Since February 2017, you can visit a new original of the capital within the traditional Nikolai quarter in Berlin – Propstraße 1 to be exact: BOLTE`S Berliner Steakhaus.
Passing through distinctive archways, we invite you to our restaurant, where steaks or homemade burgers await.
We do not only offer an assorted steak variation: vegan or vegetarian – you shall get your money’s worth, hands down!
Discover the variety of Berlin’s cuisine nestled between the Nikolai church and the river Spree.
Come visit and bring your friends and family to this comfy setting: A modern and rustic restaurant, enchanted by the flair and nostalgia of Kaiser’s times gone by…
Reservations are accepted with pleasure.
We can’t wait to welcome you!
Berlin cuisine has much to offer, as in the course of centuries it was enriched by migrants and soldiers from foreign countries. In our steak house, you shall profit from that: from Boulette (the Berlin meat ball) or East Berlin Currywurst (the Berlin sausage, and yes, it does exist!), to an assorted steak variation and potato soup – it simply tastes wonderfully good and solid.
Meanwhile… we do offer a truly unique specialty, created by our head chef:
BOLTE`S homemade Eisbein praline on pea puree.
Never heard of it? Ever? We bet you won’t regret it!
Or would you rather try our vegan parsnip almond soup, accompanied by a vegan wine?! Enthusiasts of vegan cuisine, too, surely will enjoy their visit.
Food can’t be explained. Have a look at our menu, visit und and simply try our many delights!
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